A Prayer for the End of the Year

SK Prayer - For the End of the Year

As we close out another calendar, there are many things to pray on.

We pray for those things that are drawing to a close and all that they have taught us.
We pray for those things that we need to let go and for the peace that letting go can bring.
We pray for those things we do not want to let go but need to let go and the strength it takes to accept the end.
We pray for those things taken from us and the hope that we will find them again.

We pray for all that we have survived this year.
Pandemic, insurrection, turmoil, upheaval, change, hardship, injustice, loss, pain, sadness, trauma, sickness, unfairness, fear, heat, cold, fire, floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, and so many tears. May we grow from all of our trials and be strengthened in the bonds we have secured through our shared sorrows.

We pray for grace for others, from others, for ourselves, from ourselves.
Everyone is in need of more forgiveness, understanding, acceptance, and love.

We pray for a gentle closing of the year with a
quite turn of the calendar and the hope that a new year can bring.


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